CUFI in Damage Control Mode

CNN's recent "God's Christian Warriors" put CUFI in damage control mode. They felt that CUFI's message was put across well, except they didn't like being featured in the same venue as "God's Muslim Warriors." CUFI's response in the words of David Brog:

Judaism and Christianity have utterly rejected terror as a tactic. As a result, deaths from terrorism in the name of these two great faiths remain as rare as fatalities on roller coaster rides-- too numerous, but hardly a threat to civilization as we know it.

The contrast with Islamic terror could not be more stark. To cite just one statistic, in the month of July an average of over 110 Iraqis were killed each day in suicide bombings and other acts of Islamic terror. Thus Islamic terror claims more victims in one country in one day than Jewish and Christian terror have claimed worldwide in the course of the past 15 years.

What CUFI doesn't want you to know is that its members were the most pro-war group and played a pivotal role in manipulating politicians into starting the war on Iraq and are currently doing their best to fulfill their interpretation of prophesy which demands that Iran must also be destroyed.

In this sense, CUFI not only promotes a certain perverted world-view, but plays a pivotal role in making it come true. And certainly CUFI's conscience is not bothered by the likelihood of the carnage its brand of "God sponsored" war mongering has caused and will continue to cause if left unchecked.

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