About us

Many people take a glance at this site, and their first reaction is to take offense and point out that this site is not focusing enough on terrorism.

The fact of the matter is, this site vehemently opposes terrorism. We actually propose an alternate solution, instead of just complaining about problems.

Unlike many who uphold apocalypticism as a mandate to live by, we do not believe the rapture is an exit strategy.

This blog is powered by the dream of a brighter future where our foreign policy is based on what is best for our national interests. The exit strategy we propose is a United State of Israel-Palestine. This is the alternative to what many theologians propose when it comes to endorsing immeasurable suffering in the name of fulfilling bible prophesy.

Our aim is to temper faith with reason, not to attack it. It is not to persecute the religious, but to detract those who would use it to mismanage our nation into yet more blunders. This is the hight of patriotism, the peak of decency, and the noble intent of our founding fathers when they separated church from state.


Anonymous said...

Many people take a glance at this site, and their first reaction is to take offense and point out that this site is not focusing enough on terrorism.

Actually, it fails to place focus on the "real" issues at hand.

The fact of the matter is, this site vehemently opposes terrorism. We actually propose an alternate solution, instead of just complaining about problems.

It may oppose terrorism; however, it fails to deliver at unbiased world view "as a whole."

Unlike many who uphold apocalypticism as a mandate to live by, we do not believe the rapture is an exit strategy.

Apocalypticism, and those who engage in it, is equivalent to those who read a murder mystery and set out finding "real" people that fit the characters in the book and begin to murder them. Yes, there are those in this world who will do such things. However, once again, this site fails to cover the world view problem as a whole.

Apocalypticism is also equivalent to the "Roman Soldier Syndrome" from the Seventh Sign (movie) where the Roman Soldier (which is myth) was cursed to walk the earth forever until the end of the world, hence he sets out to fulfill prophecy wherever he may so that he can finally come to an end himself.

The notion that Christians are engaging in Apocalypticism is ridiculous, due to the fact that they believe that God is in control of their lives and they are to spread the message of the Gospel to as many as possible to save as many as possible before the end.

Apocalypticism does not allow a Christian to fulfill their duty as described above, it actually becomes self-sabotage and "immediately" places the Christian in contempt and places him/her in an invalid state of their faith.

This site and others like it have serious issues to resolve and destroys the credibility of the site(s) and the author(s) of the site(s). It lacks seriousness and then only becomes entertaining, at best.

This blog is powered by the dream of a brighter future where our foreign policy is based on what is best for our national interests. The exit strategy we propose is a United State of Israel-Palestine. This is the alternative to what many theologians propose when it comes to endorsing immeasurable suffering in the name of fulfilling bible prophesy.

What this site, and those like it, fails to realize is the fact that politics do not wag the world and religion. Religion wags the world and politics. It has since the beginning of time and always will.

Our aim is to temper faith with reason, not to attack it.

Not attack it? What about this clip from one of your pages? "Has FOX News exposed itself as the quintissential anti-American news show? Isn't John Hagee really saying "Death to America" by advocating policies which in his belief system should destroy the world in the process of bringing back JEZZZAAAASSS?!" Anytime you place comments like "JEZZAAASSS" in your commentaries, you place yourself back 10 steps.

It is not to persecute the religious, but to detract those who would use it to mismanage our nation into yet more blunders. This is the hight of patriotism, the peak of decency, and the noble intent of our founding fathers when they separated church from state.

Your persecuting those who not only see but know the writing on the wall. Your fulfilling prophecy by what you have on your site. Your inciting readers to seek out the individuals that are posted and put them to death. You seem to gloss over the fact that according to prophecy Chistians and Jews will be hunted down and put to death because they will refuse to convert and take the mark. In essence, you have become what you hate.

Our national blunders have been ongoing since the early 1900's and what is happening now and the complaining going on has been specially selected complaining (SSC). The peak of decency? Decency is what we had before the 1960's.

Separation of church and state??? You can separate state from church but you cannot separate church from state. Totally IMPOSSIBLE!!! Good luck with that one and tell me how it works out for you. LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

You claim that "The notion that Christians are engaging in Apocalypticism is ridiculous, due to the fact that they believe that God is in control of their lives and they are to spread the message of the Gospel to as many as possible to save as many as possible before the end."

I urge you to open your eyes and read Stephen Sizer's book, "Christian Zionism." And I guarantee you will not have the same conclusion.

What do you mean we had decensy before the 1960's? Do you want to go back to a time before civil rights? To a time when colored people had to drink from the colored drinking fountains?

You don't believe in the separation of Church and State.

It's clear where you're coming from. And where you come from says a lot about where you are going.

Your world-view is biased by that, and according to you, any world-view that isn't "unbiased" like yours is wrong and biased.

You have no criticism for the promoters of Armageddon theology. You therefor end up providing cover for the promoters of Armageddon.

This website isn't here to tell you what you already know. It has a specific purpose and goal. To find a peaceful solution to the middle east turmoil. And blessed are the peace-makers.

Unfortunately, that leads into a discussion about those who see peace as a tool of the anti-christ.

Isn't that the opposite of being a peace-maker?

Blessed are the peace-makers. Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

I will take a few of your points to heart. I can see how you may not like the reference to "JEZZAAASSS," but that's how some who speak in tounges and excited folk refer to him. I concede it doesn't belong here. None the less, this wasn't an attack on faith as you portray it. It was meant as a quote of those who believe that the destruction of the world is a good thing.